A complete guide for amateurs and professionals! The ebook consists of two parts:

Part 1:
In nature, many situations play out in a split second and we only have one chance to take a picture. It is then good to know what settings to choose on your camera to take successful photographs and maximise the potential of your equipment.
* What equipment to choose for wildlife photography?
* How to set up your camera to take good pictures of animals?
* What settings are best for different situations?
I talk about this and much more in the first part of the guide.

Part 2:
The second part of the guide is a collection of advice I wish I had read myself when starting out in photography. I translate 16 years of experience into practical tips I learned from spending countless hours in wetlands, frigid Iceland or tropical Peru.
* How to camouflage yourself?
* Where to look for animals?
* How to make a photograph have that something and be memorable?
You will find out by reading the second part of the guide.

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